How to Get Old Dogs Interested in Food Again

Owning a senior dog means joy and sadness prevarication close together. While we are thrilled that our dog is nonetheless by our side, more and more health problems are starting to creep up. Every time our old dog isn't eating, stumbles or has a difficult time getting up in the morning time, we wonder: Oh no, what now?

Today we will look at why senior dogs might refuse their food and how you can assist them eat again.

To take away the determination: For many senior dogs, simply softening the food tin already make them swallow again!

Table of Contents

old dog not eating

Why does my sometime dog non want to eat?

At that place are many reasons why your canis familiaris might be refusing his food. Some are more than common than others, and they can stem both from concrete and behavioral causes.

Here are the near common ones:

Dental Decay

As dogs age, so do their teeth. We know that from humans: The older we get, the more likely it is that we will need a crown or implant, a bridge or root canal … and it is not different for our dogs either!

While y'all tin can forestall dental issues to some extend with regular brushing and dental chews, your senior pup probably has sensitive gums and discomfort when he chews hard food such equally kibble.

Yous should experiment with soaking his nutrient. Instead of just using water, you tin also try broth specifically made for dogs.

Pureed pumpkin tin can make the nutrient softer and is a mild vegetable which will be tolerated even by sensitive stomachs.

Yoghurt tin can exist good for domestic dog'south digestion and soften the food – try to mix some of it in your older domestic dog'southward meals.

You can also switch to feeding your senior dog wet food – either partially or completely replacing the kibble in his nutrition.

old dog doesn't eat

(Joint) Pain and Aches

We wish we could keep all pain away from our dogs, merely as they age they will beginning to hurt occasionally. Nearly all dogs experience arthritis eventually, particularly in their hips and knees. Supplements for senior dogs can help sustain articulation health. You should consult your veterinarian for prescription medication every bit well. Just one or ii pills a day tin ofttimes brand our dogs' lives a lot more joyful and bound-start their ambition!

If your old domestic dog is pacing a lot, his joint pain might be exacerbated. Make sure he has a soft and inviting place to remainder and don't get out him exterior unsupervised if he is unconfused. The repetitive motion of pacing can lead to more than discomfort and increase his lack of appetite.

(In the same vein, invest into a dog ramp and so your pup can safely get into the motorcar and onto the couch!)

If y'all do not notwithstanding trim or grind his nails regularly, start doing and then. Overgrown nails tin can and will lead to additional pain, which again can make your canis familiaris refuse his nutrient.

Feet, Lethargy & Confusion

Like humans, dogs can feel cognitive decline in their senior years. "Doggy dementia" can have concrete consequences likewise. Dogs might seem restless, have a sensitive stomach and vomit ofttimes or howl and whine a lot. They may seem specially clingy and become agitated when left alone. Your former dog might also run away.

This stress again can lead to your canis familiaris refusing nutrient – but like we don't want to eat when we feel tense and upset.

Easing your dog's feet and ensuring a high quality of life is important. You can give him a doggy massage, encourage him to sniff a lot or take him on a special walk to assistance him feel more than content. Of class, you should mention your observations to your veterinarian besides at your dog'southward adjacent health check – they might want to put him into a mild doggy anti-anxiety medication.

On the other manus, doggy dementia might also present itself as an increased demand for sleep. During sleep, the body produces hormones that suppress appetite (then that we are not woken up every couple hours considering we take to eat). The more your canis familiaris sleeps, the less hungry he may be due to this connectedness.

Recent changes

If you recently made large changes to your canis familiaris's life and environment, such as past adding a puppy, your senior dog might refuse food due to the stress and upheaval. It is your task to try and make the transition go equally smoothly and like shooting fish in a barrel equally possible for your dog!

Effort to ease into any new setups and exercise not make any big changes that are non necessary. A renovation or large movement for case is non in your canis familiaris's best interest.

senior labrador on a meadow

Your Canis familiaris Isn't Eating – What About His Weight?

It is of import to consider your dog's weight when he eats less. If your one-time dog hold his weight steadily but reduces his food intake, yous should not worry. An older canis familiaris volition spend more fourth dimension sleeping and resting and not be every bit active equally in his younger years.

It is but natural that he will eat less than when he was tearing around the park for hours. A slight reduction in calories will not result in whatever lost weight if your dog lies on the couch most of the day.

You should get into the habit of weighing your dog every two weeks and keep a record of this information. If you discover that his weight suddenly drops – information technology is time to run into a vet and explore means to aid him gain weight. Equally long as information technology is steady, your dog is most likely fine.

When To Meet A Vet ASAP

Some weather crave urgent attending by a veterinarian. Y'all should have your canis familiaris seen equally fast as you can if he shows any of the following sings:

  • He is vomiting repeatedly and throws upwards even water
  • He stops eating completely
  • His water intake drastically increases or decreases
  • He is panting and drooling excessively
  • He stops defecating and has a distended abdomen

These can be signs of a serious condition (not but in old dogs – simply dogs of all ages!).

The Bottom Line

Well-nigh dogs experience decreased appetite as they are aging. The about common cause is dental decay and discomfort when chewing hard foods such every bit kibble. This is hands remedied by soaking the food, switching to wet food or mixing it with soft ingredients such as yoghurt or pumpkin.

It is likely that your dog is experiencing joint pain in improver to the dental problems. Doggy dementia might also play a role in your senior dog wanting to eat less. You should see a veterinarian to get the all-time possible treatment for both causes.

If your domestic dog shows a desperate change of ambition or has accompanying symptoms such as repeated vomiting or farthermost changes in h2o intake, it is fourth dimension to take him to doggy urgent care!

Exercise not filibuster getting your dog the right treatment – taking activeness chop-chop could get your many more happy and salubrious years with him.


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