Pure & Dry Whisper 70-pint Dehumidifier With Built-in Pump by Aerus Reviews



adj. pur·er, pur·est


a. Having a homogeneous or compatible composition; non mixed: pure oxygen.

b. Gratuitous of dirt, pollutants, infectious agents, or other unwanted elements: pure water.

c. Containing nothing inappropriate or extraneous: a pure manner of pianoforte playing.

ii. Consummate; utter: pure folly.


a. Having no moral failing or guilt: "I felt pure and sweet as a new babe" (Sylvia Plath).

b. Chaste; virgin.

4. Of unmixed blood or ancestry.

5. Genetics Produced past self-fertilization or continual inbreeding; homozygous: a pure line.

6. Music Complimentary from discordant qualities: pure tones.

7. Linguistics Articulated with a unmarried unchanging oral communication sound; monophthongal: a pure vowel.

viii. Theoretical; not applied: pure science.

9. Philosophy Gratuitous of empirical elements: pure reason.

pure′ly adv.

pure′ness n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. Published past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. not mixed with any extraneous or dissimilar materials, elements, etc: pure nitrogen.

2. free from tainting or polluting matter; clean; wholesome: pure water.

3. gratuitous from moral taint or defilement: pure dear.

4. (prenominal) (intensifier): pure stupidity; a pure coincidence.

5. (of a subject, etc) studied in its theoretical aspects rather than for its practical applications: pure mathematics; pure scientific discipline. Compare applied

6. (Phonetics & Phonology) (of a vowel) pronounced with more or less unvarying quality without any glide; monophthongal

7. (Linguistics) (of a consonant) non accompanied by another consonant

8. (Anthropology & Ethnology) of supposedly unmixed racial descent

9. (Genetics) genetics biology breeding truthful for i or more characteristics; homozygous

10. (Biology) genetics biology breeding true for one or more characteristics; homozygous

11. (Music, other) music

a. (of a sound) composed of a single frequency without overtones

b. (of intervals in the system of just intonation) mathematically accurate in respect to the ratio of 1 frequency to some other

[C13: from Onetime French pur, from Latin pūrus unstained]

ˈpureness n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



adj. pur•er, pur•est.

1. free from adulterating or extraneous thing: pure gilded.

2. free from contamination, pollution, or clay; clean: pure water.

3. not modified by an admixture; simple or homogeneous: pure white.

4. absolute; utter; sheer: pure joy.

5. being that and nothing else; mere: a pure blow.

6. of unmixed descent or beginnings.

7. gratis from foreign elements: pure Attic Greek.

8. free from blemishes; clear; spotless: pure peel.

9. (of literary mode) straightforward; unaffected.

ten. abstract or theoretical (opposed to practical): pure science.

11. without whatsoever discordant quality; clear and truthful: a pure tone in music.

12. untainted with evil or guilt; innocent.

xiii. physically chaste; virgin.

14. ceremonially or ritually clean.

15. independent of sense or experience: pure knowledge.

sixteen. Genetics.

b. containing merely one characteristic for a trait.

17. (of a vowel sound) maintaining the same quality throughout its elapsing; monophthongal.

[1250–1300; Middle English pur < Old French < Latin pūrus clean, unmixed, plain, pure]

pure′ness, n.

Random Firm Kernerman Webster'due south College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:

Adj. ane. pure - free of extraneous elements of any kind; "pure air and h2o"; "pure gold"; "pure chief colors"; "the violin's pure and lovely song"; "pure tones"; "pure oxygen"

make clean - ritually clean or pure

candy - prepared or converted from a natural state by subjecting to a special process; "processed ores"

impure - combined with inapplicable elements

2. pure - without qualification; used informally as (oft debasing) intensifiers; "an arrant fool"; "a consummate coward"; "a consummate fool"; "a double-dyed villain"; "gross negligence"; "a perfect idiot"; "pure folly"; "what a sodding mess"; "stark staring mad"; "a thoroughgoing villain"; "utter nonsense"; "the unadulterated truth"

bare-faced, double-dyed, sodding, utter, thoroughgoing, unadulterated, staring, perfect, everlasting, consummate, stark, complete, gross

unmitigated - not diminished or chastened in intensity or severity; sometimes used as an intensifier; "unmitigated suffering"; "an unmitigated horror"; "an unmitigated prevarication"

3. pure - (of colour) beingness chromatically pure; not diluted with white or grey or blackness


4. pure - free from discordant qualities

harmonious - musically pleasing

five. pure - concerned with theory and information rather than practice; opposed to applied; "pure science"

theoretical - concerned with theories rather than their applied applications; "theoretical physics"

6. pure - (used of persons or behaviors) having no faults; sinless; "I felt pure and sweetness as a new baby"- Sylvia Plath; "pure as the driven snow"

chaste - morally pure (especially not having experienced sexual intercourse); "a holy adult female innocent and celibate"

impure - (used of persons or behaviors) immoral or obscene; "impure thoughts"

7. pure - in a state of sexual virginity pure - in a state of sexual virginity; "pure and vestal modesty"; "a spinster or virgin lady"; "men have decreed that their women must be pure and virginal"

vestal, virgin, virtuous, virginal

chaste - morally pure (particularly not having experienced sexual intercourse); "a holy woman innocent and chaste"

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart drove. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



ane. unmixed, real, clear, true, uncomplicated, natural, straight, perfect, genuine, keen, authentic, flawless, unalloyed The ancient alchemists tried to transmute base metals into pure gold.
unmixed mixed, flawed, alloyed, imperfect, adulterated

ii. clean, immaculate, sterile, wholesome, sanitary, spotless, sterilized, squeaky-clean, unblemished, unadulterated, untainted, disinfected, uncontaminated, unpolluted, pasteurized, germ-costless Demands for pure and make clean river water.
clean dingy, infected, contaminated, polluted, filthy, tainted, impure

iv. consummate, total, perfect, absolute, mere, sheer, patent, utter, outright, thorough, downright, palpable, unqualified, out-and-out, unmitigated The old man turned to give her a look of pure surprise.
complete qualified

five. innocent, virgin, pocket-sized, skillful, true, moral, maidenly, upright, honest, immaculate, impeccable, righteous, virtuous, squeaky-clean, blameless, celibate, virginal, unsullied, guileless, uncorrupted, unstained, undefiled, unspotted a pure and celibate maiden
innocent corrupt, spoiled, contaminated, obscene, indecent, untrue, immoral, sinful, unclean, defiled, impure, immodest, unchaste

"My forcefulness is as the strength of ten"
"Because my heart is pure" [Alfred, Lord Tennyson `Sir Galahad']
"Unto the pure all things are pure" Bible: Ii Timothy

Collins Thesaurus of the English language Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


describing word

1. Not diluted or mixed with other substances:

ii. Free from extraneous elements:

3. Completely such, without qualification or exception:

absolute, all-out, arrant, complete, complete, crashing, damned, dead, downright, flat, out-and-out, outright, perfect, plain, sheer, thorough, thoroughgoing, full, unbounded, unequivocal, unlimited, unmitigated, unqualified, unrelieved, unreserved, utter.

4. Free from evil and corruption:

angelic, angelical, clean, innocent, lily-white, sinless, unblemished, uncorrupted, undefiled, unstained, unsullied, untainted, virginal.

five. Morally beyond reproach, especially in sexual conduct:

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


تام، كامِل صافٍ، نَقي، خالِص عَفيف، طاهِرنَقِيٌّواضِح، صافٍ

čistý ryzí úplný čirý

ren klar

puhdas viaton virheetön



alger hreinn hreinn, flekklaus ómengaîur, ekta



grynakraujis grynaveislis gryninimas gryninti grynumas

pilnīgs, tīrs skaidrs tīrs




tinh khiết



A. ADJ (purer (compar) (purest (superl)))

2. (= clean, clear) [air, water, sound, low-cal] → puro

3. (= sheer) [pleasure, luck, coincidence, speculation] → puro
the whole story was pure inventiontodo fue puro cuento
past pure chance por pura casualidad

4. (= theoretical) → puro
pure mathematics/scientific discipline matemáticas fpl/ciencias fpl puras

5. (= virgin, clean-living) → puro
pure in or of center (liter) → limpio de corazón
pure in heed and body de mente y cuerpo puros
every bit pure as the driven snowpuro como la nieve

B. CPD pure vowel Northvocal f unproblematic


Position of "puro"
Yous should generally put puro after the noun when you mean pure in the sense of "uncontaminated" or "unadulterated" and before the noun in the sense of "sheer" or "plain": ...pure olive oil... ...aceite puro de oliva... It'south pure coincidence Es pura coincidencia

Collins Spanish Lexicon - Complete and Entire 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈpjʊər] adj

(= unmixed, unadulterated) [silk, wool, orangish juice] → pur(due east) before due north ; [aureate, white] → pur(e) later n
a ring made of pure aureate → une bague en or pur
This dress is pure silk → Cette robe est en pure soie.
a pure wool jumper → united nations pull en pure laine
pure orange juice → du pur jus d'orange

(= clean) [water, air] → pur(eastward)

(= consummate) [coincidence, luck] → pur(eastward) before n ; [speculation] → pur(e) before north ; [genius] → à l'état pur
Information technology was pure luck that our paths crossed → Ce fut par pure chance que nos chemins se sont croisés.
I had planted them for the pure pleasure of it → Je les avais plantés par pur plaisir.
pure joy → une joie sans mélange
When the lord's day shone, it was pure joy to prowl along the rivers
Only Quand le soleil brillait, c'était une pure joie de voguer le long des rivières.
To sleep on my own was pure bliss → Dormir toute seule était un pur bonheur.
a look of pure surprise → une expression de totale surprise, une expression de surprise totale
to be pure speculation → être pure spéculation
pure and simple → pur(due east) et simple
pure and uncomplicated
Information technology'southward blackmail pure and simple → C'est du chantage pur et simple.
They are murderers pure and simple → Ce sont des meurtriers, purement et simplement.
Grant came back because he loves me, pure and elementary → Grant est revenu parce qu'il g'aime, purement et simplement.

(= chaste) [woman, girl, thoughts] → pur(eastward)

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins High german Dictionary – Complete and Entire seventh Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈpjuə) adjective

1. not mixed with anything peculiarly muddy or less valuable. pure gold. suiwer صافٍ، نَقي، خالِص чист puro čistý pur ren καθαρός, ανόθευτος puro ehe خالص puhdas pur טהור शुद्ध tiszta murni ómengaður, ekta puro 純粋な 순수한 grynas tīrs tulen zuiver rein, ekte czysty خالص puro pur чистый čistý, rýdzi čist čist ren, oblandad, äkta บริสุทธิ์ saf 純粹的 чистий; бездомішковий خالص nguyên chất; tinh khiết 纯粹的

two. clean, specially morally. pure thoughts. skoon عَفيف، طاهِر чист puro čistý rein ren αγνός puro puhas پاک puhdas pur טהור साफ, निर्मल, विमल szeplőtlen, tiszta bersih hreinn, flekklaus puro 高潔な 깨끗한 tyras, doras tīrs; skaidrs bersih zuiver kysk, uskyldig, rein niewinny, czysty پاك puro pur чистый čistý čist čist ren สะอาด temiz 純潔的 непорочний, цнотливий پاک trong sáng 纯洁的

3. complete; absolute. a pure accident. heeltemal, volledig تام، كامِل чист full čirý, úplný völlig ren ξεκάθαρος puro, completo selge کامل؛ محض puhdas pur לגמרי निर्दोष, निष्पाप tiszta semata-mata alger puro 全くの 완전한 visiškas, grynas tīrs negadījums semata-mata louter rein czysty بشپړ، مكمل total pur şi simplu; nu mai mult decât чистый úplný čist čist ren อย่างสมบูรณ์ sırf, tamamen 完全的,十足的 цілковитий, повний مکمل، مطلق hoàn toàn 完全的,十足的

4. (of sounds) clear; keeping in melody. She sang in a high pure tone. suiwer واضِح، صافٍ чист límpido čistý rein klar; ren καθαρός límpido puhas صاف puhdas pur זך शुद्ध, पवित्र tiszta jernih hreinn puro すんだ 맑은 aiškus, švarus tīrs; skaidrs jelas zuiver rein klarowny صاف ، او پاك límpido curat чистый, ясный čistý čist jasan ren ชัดเจน kusursuz 清亮的 виразний; ясний صاف trong trẻo 清亮的

ˈpurely adverb

suiwer بِصَفاء، بِوُضوح чисто puramente čistě, ryze pur klart; rent καθαρά puramente pelgalt بطور خالص؛ کاملاً puhtaasti purement לגמרי शुद्धता से, निर्दोषता से tisztán, szűziesen secara murni hreinlega puramente 純粋に 순전히 visiškai, išimtinai tīri; skaidri; pilnīgi; vienīgi dgn jelas zuiver, louter reint czysto سپيڅلى ، په خالص ډول puramente pur (şi simplu) чисто čisto čisto čisto rent อย่างบริสุทธิ์ bütünüyle 純粹地 цілковито خالص طور پر trong sáng; tinh khiết 纯粹地

ˈpureness noun

suiwerheid صَفاء، نَقاء، وَضوح،طَهارَه чистота pureza čistota, ryzost die Reinheit klarhed; renhed αγνότητα, καθαρότητα pureza puhtus خلوص؛ پاکی puhtaus pureté טהרה विशुद्धता, विशुद्धि, शुचिता tisztaság, szűziesség kemurnian hreinleiki purezza 純粋さ 순수함 grynumas tīrība; skaidrība ketulenan zuiverheid reinhet czystość پاكى ،سپيڅلتيا pureza puritate чистота čistota čistost čistoća renhet ความบริสุทธิ์ saflık 純粹 чистота پاکيزگي sự trong sáng; tinh khiết 纯粹

ˈpurity noun

suiwerheid نَقاء، نَقاوَه، صَفاء، خُلوص، طَهارَه чистота pureza čistota die Reinheit renhed αγνότητα, καθαρότητα pureza ehedus خلوص؛ پاکی puhtaus pureté טוהר शुद्धता, पवित्रता tisztaság kemurnian hreinleiki purezza 純粋さ 순수 grynumas tīrība; skaidrība ketulenan zuiverheid reinhet czystość پاكى ، صفايى pureza puritate чистота čistota, rýdzosť čistoča čistoća renhet ความบริสุทธิ์ saflık 純凈 чистота; непорочність پاکي nguyên chất 纯净

ˈpurify (-fai) verb

to make pure. What is the best style to purify the air? suiwer يُصَفّي، يُنَقّي، пречиствам purificar (pro)čistit reinigen rense καθαρίζω, εξαγνίζω purificar puhastama پاک کردن؛ تصفیه کردن puhdistaa purifier לְטָהֵר शुद्ध करना, शोधित करना (meg)tisztít memurnikan hreinsa purificare 浄化する 정화하다 gryninti, (ap)valyti attīrīt menulenkan zuiveren rense oczyścić پاكول،صافول purificar a purifica очищать (pre)čistiť očistiti očistiti rena ทำให้บริสุทธิ์ temizlemek, arıtmak 使純淨 очищати(ся) پاک کرنا lọc; làm sạch 使洁净

ˌpurifiˈcation (-fi-) noun

suiwering تَنْقِيَه، تَصْفِيَه пречистване purificação očištění die Reinigung rensning; renselse καθαρισμός purificación puhastumine تصفیه؛ تزکیه puhdistaminen purification טיהור शोधन, निर्मलीकरण, स्वच्छीकरण tisztítás pemurnian hreinsun purificazione 浄化 정화 gryninimas, valymas attīrīšana penulenan zuivering rensing oczyszczanie صاف ول ، پاك كول purificação purificare очистка očistenie očiščenje čišćenje rening, renande การทำให้บริสุทธิ์ temizleme, arıtım 淨化 очищення تطہير sự làm sạch 净化

ˌpure-ˈblooded describing word

of unmixed race. a pure-blooded Englishman. volvloed مِن أصْلٍ طَيِّب، شَريف الأصْل чистокръвен puro-sangue čistokrevný reinrassig renblodet; raceren καθαρόαιμος de raza pura puhtavereline اصیل puhdasrotuinen pur מִגֶזָע טָהוֹר विशुद्ध रक्त वाला fajtatiszta darah murni óblandaður, hreinn purosangue, di razza pura 純血の 순혈(종)의 grynakraujis tīrasiņu- berdarah jati rasecht reinraset czystej krwi سوچه، اصلي de raça pura de rasă (pură) чистокровный čistokrvný čistokrven čiste krvi renrasig, rasren สายเลือดบริสุทธิ์ katışıksız, saf kan 純血統的 чистокровний خالص نسل کا thuần chủng 纯血统的

ˌpure-ˈbred adjective

(of animals) of unmixed breed; thoroughbred. a pure-bred Arab equus caballus. opreg حِصان أصيل породист puro-sangue čistokrevný reinrassig fuldblods- καθαρόαιμος de raza, de pura sangre puhtatõuline اصیل؛ از نژاد خالص puhdasrotuinen de race, pur sang גזעי विशुद्ध प्रजनित fajtatiszta, telivér trah, berdarah asli hreinræktaður di razza 純血種の 순혈(종)의 grynaveislis tīrasiņu-; šķirnes- baka jati rasecht raserein pełnej krwi, czystej rasy اصلى، سوچه puro-sangue de rasă, pursânge породистый čistokrvný rasen čistokrvni renrasig, rasren (สัตว์) พันธุ์แท้ melez olmayan, saf kan 純種的 чистокровний خالص نسل کا thuần chủng 纯种的

pure and simple

(used after a substantive) nothing just. It was an accident pure and simple. eenvoudig internet لَيْسَ إلا، بِكُل بَساطَه! чисто и просто pura e simplesmente nic než nichts als ren og skær; ganske enkelt τίποτ' άλλο από, απλά και μόνο puro y unproblematic puhtal kujul همین و نه چیز دیگر eikä mitään muuta pur et simple חד וחלק और कुछ नहीं puszta hanya hreinn og beinn puro e semplice 純然たる 완전한 ir nieko daugiau vienkāršs; nekas vairāk kā semata-mata niets anders dan rein og skjær i nic poza tym صاف او ساده pura due east simplesmente pur şi simplu не что иное как nič iné ako, číry čisto preprosto jednostavno rena rama, ren och skär อย่างแท้ ๆ düpedüz, sadece 完完全全的 ніщо інше як بس، صرف chỉ có thế thôi 完完全全的

Kernerman English language Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 M Dictionaries Ltd.


نَقِيٌّ čistý ren rein αγνός puro puhdas pur čist puro 純粋な 순수한 puur ren czysty puro чистый ren บริสุทธิ์ saf tinh khiết 纯的

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. puro-a, sin contaminación.

English language-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

English-Castilian/Castilian-English Medical Lexicon Copyright © 2006 past The McGraw-Loma Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


Source: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/pure

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